
"Here you can find familiar or common dishes in wich I am sure some of it you have already done and tried before or probably one of your favorites, but it's ok because I made this site to share to you my own version plus my favorites. Here, we do it my way".

Enjoy the Kata's Way!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



1.1 lbs. Pata (pig's thigh)
4 pcs.   Sangke (Star Anise)
1/4 c.    Soy Sauce
3 tbsp.  Vinegar
3 tbsp   Bingtang or ordinary sugar
2 tbsp.  Garlic (pounded)
              Water to boil the meat till tender but in tact
              MSG (optional)
              Mustard leaves (optional)


Wash legs. Put it in a casserole along with the rest of the ingredients. Boil till legs are tender but in tact. Test it with a fork or toothpick. Add mustard leaves if you want. Set aside and save the leg broth for the brown sauce.

brown sauce:

1 c.  pata broth
2-3 tsp. cornstarch
2 tsp. MSG (optional)
Salt to taste, start with a pinch


Mix and cook all together in a saucepan until it thickens. Put the LEGS in a nice serving dish, pour the sauce over it and serve hot. Garnish with shopped onion leaves.

Let me know!



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