
"Here you can find familiar or common dishes in wich I am sure some of it you have already done and tried before or probably one of your favorites, but it's ok because I made this site to share to you my own version plus my favorites. Here, we do it my way".

Enjoy the Kata's Way!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Buffalo Wings

"In a whole chicken, wings are my favorite part. This recipe originated in Buffalo New York which is 4 hours away from my place. Visit Anchor bar if you happen to visit Buffalo, okies? This one is my friend's version, Anabel Besaw. I copied it and didn't need my modification because I love it the way it is. Better than the ones in restaurants, seriously. Served it to lots of people already and they love it. Hope you'll love it too. So, though this is not my own version, but since it's my favorite, I wanna share it to you too". Save me some.


1     kilo          Chicken Wings, cut into two
                       Breadcrumbs ( optional )


1     tbsp          Vinegar
4     tbsp          Butter
1     cup           Hotsauce ( I use Redhot sauce )


There 2 ways in cooking the wings, fry or bake, either way you choose. After it's done, set aside.
In a small pan, combine vinegar, butter and hotsauce, simmer for like 1-2 minutes. Dip each wings on the sauce while still hot, then arrange in a nice platter, then pour the remaining sauce on top. Serve with blue cheese or ranch sauce.

Hope you like it. leave me a note if you do, Thank you.


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